Easy Tips to Get Your Student School Ready

During the 2020-2021 school year, students across the country experienced schooling and new aspects of learning in ways that no one could have imagined.  Due to the pandemic, tons of schools and thousands of students were forced to go online for some or all of the school year.  Teachers, students, faculty, and other administrators quickly learned how to broaden their horizons and implement different methods to learn when people were at home.  While we learned that online schooling was a possibility, many students lacked the necessary resources they needed to genuinely flourish.  This threw off a lot of students’ growth coming into this upcoming school year.  However, with school starting back in person, we’re confident that students are going to come in eagerly prepared to learn and grow! But, on top of that, getting back into that typical school routine might take some time, so we wanted to offer up a few tips on how to help ease your students’ way back into their school routine!

  1. Help Them Get Enough Sleep
    1. Start shifting their sleep schedule from summer mode to school mode at least a week before school starts, transitioning into it too late could throw off their night or morning schedule even more.  
    2. During that transition period, practice what their morning routine is going to look like so that it’s not chaos on the first day of school.  
  2. Help Them Get Organized
    1. Help your student organize their notebooks, school supplies, and binders.  Also, make sure to label them with the students name and work together to figure out how to fit them nicely into a backpack. 
    2. Have them make their lunch, or at least help make it, the night before.  This will save so much time and stress in the morning.  If you already have it made, you can just grab it and go!
    3. Help them get into a routine of picking their clothes for the day the night before.  Again this will save so much time and stress about what to wear for the day, instruct them to set out their outfit the night before and throw it on in the morning!
  3. Help Make a Physical Schedule for Your Student 
    1. At the beginning of each week, make a checklist for classes, sports, and/or extracurriculars.  You can even use stickers or fun markers to check off every done action as a way to motivate your students.
  4. Continue Reading With Your Student
    1. As always, continue to read on a daily basis.  It helps your student grow and improve in every single class.  Even if it’s just for 15 minutes a day, reading can dramatically improve one’s academic performance both in and outside of school!
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