Our Story

2023-24 Volunteers
2023-24 Average Minutes Read per Week

Did you know that you can impact the greater Austin area community by the simple act of volunteering to read with children for 30 minutes a week?

1 Volunteer + 2 Children + 30 Minutes

= Changing the World!

Children Reading Books

Our History

In 2009, the church community asked city leaders what we could do to make a lasting impact in the greater Austin area. The answer was simple: to support children’s literacy and decrease school dropout rates. Hence, Education Connection was created. In 2010-11, we began reading with students at 1 elementary school in Leander ISD. Today, more than 1,200 volunteers are serving at least 3,000 students in 16 school districts across Central Texas, by sitting with elementary children each week for 30 minutes to read one-on-one. With the program growing rapidly and with more children in need of extra support, there’s a place for you to make a difference in a child’s education and life.

With over 250 elementary schools located in the Greater Austin area, the need to reach every child is tremendous. As a faith-based community, we have an opportunity to partner a church and/or business with each school, reading to children one-on-one, while supporting educators as they help children to learn and grow. We partner with churches, community organizations, and schools in the Greater Austin area seeking volunteers to help impact the lives of elementary students.

Our Core Values


Not bringing in our own agenda.

We strive to be a support to the schools, classrooms, and children.


Making a volunteer commitment for a school year of service. Truly using one's servant heart to honor constant reading with children.


The idea that Education Connection needs to be something that imposes little on the schools/teachers and simple enough that a volunteer without "teacher training" can do and will make a difference to the child.