Celebrating Black History Month: Love Is The Way Forward

February has been designated as Black History month.  It is an opportunity to reflect on important people and events that have influenced our world.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most well-known figures celebrated during Black History month. Dr. King was a civil rights activist and Baptist preacher from Atlanta, Georgia. His contributions toward the civil rights movement were marked by his non-violent approach. He believed that love was the only way forward.

Love Is The Way Forward

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a gifted speaker, and it was the messages in his speeches that still echo today.  Here are several statements he made concerning love,

“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”

“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.”

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

“The time is always right to do what is right.”

“Real appreciation must flow from the deep seas of the heart.”

“We’ve learned to fly the air like birds. We’ve learned to swim the seas like fish. And yet we haven’t learned to walk the earth like brothers and sisters.”

“Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a constant attitude.”

“If you are seeking the highest good, I think you can find it through love.”

“At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love.”

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”

What Will You Do?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke about the value and importance of love, and unless you choose to act nothing will change. Love doesn’t have to be a grandiose act. It can be as simple as a smile, saying hello, calling someone just to see how they are doing, or letting the car coming the other way have the parking spot.

As we celebrate Black History month, may we remember how far we have come and also look for areas where we can improve. What would the world look like if you and I began sowing small seeds of love?  Who knows – we might just change world?!

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