New Year, New Beginnings

The beginning of a new year is a fresh start, just like a new book, except this book comes with 365 blank pages.  This time of year is a time of making resolutions and determining how we want to focus our efforts over the next twelve months.  According to,
Resolution (n.) – 
  • a resolve; a decision or determination;
  • the act of resolving or determining upon an action, course of action, method, etc.
Simply put, resolutions are decisions to act. Education Connection’s Resolutions for 2019 include:
  • Strong final push recruiting volunteers through early February
  • Explore additional partnerships to best support the mission of Education Connection
  • Secure Church partnerships for schools
Turning resolutions into reality can be accomplished by focused efforts directed at specific goals. Focus gives aim, goals provide steps, and the result is an increased feeling of accomplishment. The vehicle to the destination of resolution is simple…
What resolutions do you want to set? 
How will you focus your efforts? 
What goals can you set to get you there? 

The page has turned and the 2019 chapter is a blank. How will you fill your pages? It’s an exciting time. It’s a hopeful time. May you find joy and satisfaction in penning the pages of 2019!

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